Garland Pose (Malasana)

Start in staff pose, with your feet stretched out in front of you.
Take a deep breath, bend your knees and sit on your feet. You can start on your toes, but if it is available to you can put your heels down.
Take your feet apart from each other.
When you get in this position with your knees bent, your body will lean forward, and your lower back will stretch backwards. Your body will do this automatically to gain balance. This is normal; if you are not able to put your heels down, you can stay on your toes to achieve more balance and until your body gets used to this pose. 
You could also try putting your feet further apart, or closer together, find your sweet spot here. We are all build in different shapes and sizes, so naturally, everyone has a different and unique balance.
Try placing your elbows close to your inner thighs. When your body is comfortable, try pushing your elbows into your thighs to open your knees outwards.
If taking your hands in prayer position is not helping in balancing your body, you can bring your palms on the floor.
Stay here for a while and breath. With every exhale, push your elbows deeper into your thighs and bring your spine and your lower back inwards and straight. Make sure your buttocks stays close to your ankles.
If this is easy for you, you can move into Bound Revolved Garland Pose (Baddha Parivrtta Malasana). Take your right arm to the front of your right shin and take your left arm behind you. Try to interlock your hands and look to the left. Stay here for a few breaths and then do the same thing on the other side.
Come on back to centre into traditional Garland pose. Relax and breathe.
To get out of this pose, place your palms on the floor and slowly raise your body.
Garland Pose is excellent for your lower back; it is good for the entire back and builds flexibility in your back muscles. In this pose, your spine will expand, and your lower back muscles will tighten.
You were strengthening your knees. When you bend your knees, you are flexing the muscles around your knees.
This pose works out your entire leg, your inner thighs, your quadriceps, your hamstrings, your calves and your ankles. Putting your full body weight on your ankles in this squat position ensures proper blood circulation throughout your legs.
Garland pose opens your chest and shoulders and improves digestion
Very relieving posture for lower back pain due to Menstruation. Malasana (Garland Pose) expands your lower back and keeps your hips healthy.
This pose can bring a lot of pressure on your knees and ankles if you have an injury in your knees or ankles be careful and get out of this pose if you experience any pain or discomfort.
This pose can put pressure on your abdominal area and can be uncomfortable for pregnant women.